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Burning feet


Foot burning itself is not a disease, but a symptom of a disease. Those affected often complain of tingling, stabbing, burning or "a burning sensation" in the feet. The cause of this can have various reasons. Often it is a damage to one or more nerves that supply the foot. Diabetes mellitus is often the cause of this nerve damage. Furthermore, the following causes can also lead to foot burning:

•Polyneuropathy•Morton's Neuroma•Narrowed blood vessels in the legs (arterial occlusive disease)•Plantar fasciitis•Too tight shoes or socks•Overload and pinpoint pressure points of the foot•Restless Legs Syndrome

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  • Activation and strengthening of the musculature of the lower extremities
  • Activation of a natural and healthy gait
  • and Pain relief thanks to the optimized pressure distribution and cushioning of harmful blows

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