Cruciate ligaments

Cruciate ligaments run centrally in the knee from the thigh to the tibia. Due to the crossed arrangement, they bear the corresponding name. A distinction is made between the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. In the case of a cruciate ligament rupture is often caused by an unnatural application of force. Examples of this are sports accidents involving an opponent, rapid changes of direction and twisting movements. The anterior cruciate ligament tears significantly more frequently (approx. 90%). In the case of cruciate ligament ruptures, a distinction is made between complete rupture, partial rupture and rupture due to tearing of the bony anchorage. Not infrequently other structures (e.g. cartilage, menisci, inner knee ligament) are injured. The cruciate ligament rupture can be treated conservatively (=without surgery) as well as surgically.
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- Activation and strengthening of the foot muscles
- Activation of a natural and healthy gait
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