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Parkinson's disease

Morbus Parkinson

Parkinson's is a neurodegenerative disease of the nervous system. The disease is primarily caused by the progressive loss of nerve cells in a specific area of the brain. These nerve cells are responsible for the production of dopamine, which plays a key role in controlling movements. The following motor symptoms often occur:

•Bradykinesia: Slowing of movements•Rigor: Muscle stiffness•Tremor: Shaking, usually at rest•Postural instability: Difficulty maintaining

balance and posture control

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for Parkinson's. Therapies focus on alleviating symptoms and improving the quality of life.

kybun Joya Therapie

  • Activation and strengthening of the foot muscles
  • Improvement of the gait pattern and reduction of tremors through increased proprioceptive responses
  • and Training und Stärkung des Gleichgewichts

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